Sunday, September 8, 2013

I almost died three times today...

Yes, it's true. I almost died three times today. 

My family and I decided to go on a hike this morning so we grabbed some water and the dog and set off to Buffalo Mountain. We decided to take a different route this time and we thought we'd be okay because the trails are marked there with paint on trees. So we take off and find our trail, following it across three rivers and uphill. Bigtime. This is the first time I almost died today: as we were hiking we came to a reeeeeeally steep part that was literally almost vertical (I may or may not be exaggerating on this one) and we looked at it and thought "Oh well, let's do it anyway." So we did. And on my way up I placed my foot in the wrong place and grabbed hold of the wrong plant, so I slid down the side of the mountain a bit before finally being stopped by a tree. And it hurt. 

Nonetheless we continued, and after a long time of not seeing blue marks on any of the surrounding trees my mom decided to send dad off to scout the area while we waited down a ways to see if he could see another way down, there was no way she'd willingly go through that again, backwards. After a long time he came back and said he didn't see anything so we were left with no other option but to go back the way we had come, and coincidentally its also the second time I almost died. I decided to go on my hands and feet, butt facing the floor because I felt a hell of a lot safer like that and I just couldn't stand without almost falling. Again I stepped and grabbed wrong when we were about halfway down and slid until I could stop myself, thankfully coming to a stop right before some poison ivy. Phew. (But when we finally reached the less trecherous part I still managed to slap my hand on a plant and get a really painful red blotch that hurt, itched, then disappeared. Weird.)

Once we made it down we went straight to the car, famished and pretty tired. I had some rocks or something in my shoe, and since we had already started driving back I opened the window and emptied my shoe out the side of the car, which brings me to the third time I almost died today. Once my shoe was safely on my foot again, I decided to see what the fuss about dogs and car windows was, so I stuck my head out the window. It felt pretty great although I couldn't keep my eyes open from the wind so I kept them closed. Too bad I fell asleep like that. Like I said to my friend later, I could've either hit my head on something, causing my head to crack or possibly fall off, or I could've even snapped my neck. And that would've sucked. 

((This is Literally My Life))

Saturday, September 7, 2013



Wow okay I'm starting a blog! For everyone that doesn't know me (really everyone) my name is Claudia, a high school student without much of a life. I live in Tennessee and I'm still trying to get used to it. Let me explain: 

So recently I moved to Tennessee from my lovely and beautiful Miami. I have to say, it's been a HUGE change, from big city to a tiny town with cows (I was so excited by the cows...) and I'm still not sure if i like it or not. When we first got here the house was huge and empty, didn't look or feel like home at all. It's still huge and doesn't feel like home, but at least there's furniture, right? We've been here since June and I'm still getting major homesickness feelings. I really just want to go home, but I know I can't. Before this turns into a sob story, let me change the subject.

I'm still not sure if I'm going to update this or if I'm even going to get any readers but it's just an experiment for now and it's okay if nobody likes this. I'm basically going to talk about my life and what's been going on lately, how I'm getting used to Tennessee life, etcetera. If anyone wants to follow my twitter by the way, it's @claw_dee_uhh so there you have it. This definitely isn't some sort of self-advertising scheme, I hate those. So don't check it out if you don't want to, I really only follow youtubers. 

Anyway, this week was Spirit Week at my school, and we had to dress up every day in a special fashion. Tuesday was College Day, we had to come in dressed with our favorite college's logos and colors. Wednesday was Aloha/Hawaiian Day, and we were to come clad in our best Hawaiian-wear and they handed out leis somewhere, I didn't know where so I missed it. Thursday was Hero Day, and we could either wear something related to super heroes or pick someone that you considered a hero. My friend Marco came dressed as a doctor! Yesterday was Spirit Day and we had to wear our school colors, we had a pep rally after school, it was pretty fun regardless of the small amout of people I know. (Literally I sat with one person) 

Currently it's Saturday and when I should be cleaning and tidying, I'm trying to blog. Wow, the life of a teenager. Anyway I hope you enjoy this and I still haven't figured out when I'm going to update but I'll do that in a bit. 

((This is Literally My Life))